

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Kanatake walk 2022-06-15

18 People gathered for the walk. Weather conditions were good. Sunny, but not too hot yet and dry. A Ruddy Kingfisher had been calling in the morning it seemed. Kanatake has its surprises!

Asian Lizard's Tail, ハンゲショウ

コウホネ, East Asian Yellow Water-lily

Japanese Iris, カキツバタ 
Japanese Water Iris, ノハナショウブ  (Thank you Mr. T)

Persian Silk tree, ネムノキ Just started to bloom

Female flower of Akame Gashiwa, Mallotus japonicus, アカメガシバ

Rain Lily, サフランモドキ

Giant Chickweed, ウシハコベ  I learned that this Chickweed has The 5 parts to the stigma (The center of the flower) while others usually have 3

Kokulan, コクラン Flower buds, opening soon!

Himekamenokotento, ヒメカメノコテントウ The smallest Ladybug I have ever seen. 

Japanese Mamekogane Beetles, マメコガネ

Small Copper, ベニシジミ

Ooao Itotombo, オオアオイトトンボ

Ramikamikiri Longhorn, ラミーカミキリ  

Dakosta Snail, ダコスタマイマイ

Japanese Oakblue, ムラサキシジミ

Pale Grass Blue, ヤマトシジミ

Short-tailed Blue, ツバメシジミ

Geometer moth, エダシャクガ

Caterpillar of Impatiens Hawkmoth, セスジスズメ 幼虫

Japanese Brown frog, ニホンアカガエル

Onifusube, オニフスベ Small ones apparently. How big would a big one be?

Tiny mushroom sprouting from a Sugi seed cone 杉の実

Eurasian Tree Sparrow family, スズメ

Little Grebe, カイツブリ

Oriental Magpie, カササギ


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