

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Sunday 30 October 2022

Common Starlings, ホシムクドリ

On October 30th many Starlings gathered around a utility pole at the edge of the fields late afternoon. Most of them were White-cheeked Starlings, ムクドリ But I saw 10+ Common Starlings, ホシムクドリ among them. I managed to get 8 in one shot

The following day I heard Northern Lapwings, タゲリ calling and found 1 in the river and 1 in the sky

The Tundra Swans, コハクチョウ are still here. They got a lot of attention over the weekend!

A lot of ducks had arrived as well. I will check them out later.
Something to look forward to!

Stejneger's Stonechat, ノビタキ

No コスノビ this time. The flowers were there, but the birds ignored them. There were plenty opportunities to see them in the fields though. Their autumn flavored colors make me realize winter is on its's way.

The males with their dark heads are popular with photographers, but the soft colored female is pretty as well. Below a young girl

14 Birds. I hadn't seen such a flock in the last few years. They kept their distance and it was impossible to get them all in one picture

At last some Cosmos, without the birds, though

Thursday 27 October 2022

Dark-sided Flycatcher, サメビタキ and other recent sightings in the mountains of Fukuoka pref.

After many years I saw this flycatcher again

Dark-sided Flycatcher, サメビタキ

Grey-streaked Flycatchers, エゾビタキ

young Blue-and-White Flycatcher, オオルリ

More of the Grey-streaked Flycatchers, エゾビタキ

Brambling, アトリ

Eurasian Wren, ミソサザイ

ジンジソウ,  Jinjiso Saxifrage,a kind of Rockfoil

I a dark Ceder forest one tree was entirely covered with these mushrooms

No names yet...

In one of the mountain-side ponds: Mandarin Duck, オシドリ
Way at the back I saw 2 males and a female.

Wednesday 26 October 2022

Siberian Rubythroat, ノゴマ

A week ago I went to another park where a Rubythroat was seen, but arrived too late. There was nothing there but a Kingfisher. This time I got lucky. A pretty male was waiting, ready to pose numerous times!

Feeding around the bush in front of me

Hopping in and out, not too shy

Every now and then he retreated to the back, but perched on the stones or a bench before coming back

Found something?


Pretty Boy

A Narcissus Flycatcher, キビタキ dropped by a few times

Other images from the park: Yellow Cosmos

Pairing (Indian?) Fritillaries, (ツマグロ?)ヒョウモン

Common Bluebottle, アオスジアゲハ

Taiwan Hototogisu, タイワンホトトギス

Reflection of Water Striders, アメンボ

Last week's Kingfisher, カワセミ