

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Treasures in the woods

 When there are not enough birds around me, I opt for the woods around the city. There is usually something interesting. Things that others might not appreciate, can be special to me. I feel like I'm on a treasure hunt when I walk through the forest. in the shadow of tall trees. Beauty is hiding in there. You just have to look well.

Caterpillars of the colorful Satsuma Nishiki Moth, サツマニシキ  (Erasmia pulchell) are just as pretty. There were more than 10 on the Yamamogashi, ヤマモガシ tree. 

Another caterpillar, Akebi Konoha アケビコノハ 幼虫

It was a bit of a puzzle to find its head

In the darkest corners, Usuki Muyolan, ウスキムヨウラン (Lecanorchis kiusiana)

 Chinese Bushbrown, ヒメジャノメ   male and female

Always happy to meet a frog, even when it is a common Japanese Tree frog, ニホンアマガエル

Pretty large Butterfly;  Common Mapwing, イシカケチョウ

A very young Tiger Keelback poked its head out. I was probably the first human for him
Tiger Keelback, ヤマカガシ

Elephant bugs, more commonly known as Weevels come in all sizes. 
Weevil, ゾオムシ

Another special Butterfly is the White Admiral, イチモンジチョウ

Look at the little flowers of Saxifrage, ユキノシタ

Another Japanese Tree frog, ニホンアマガエル looking up at something beyond my view. 

What is he so interested in?

A lot of action at the Papillion kitchen; 3 or 4 kinds can be seen at one time.

Redshank and Cattle Egrets

There isn't much to report from Imazu. On the 13th I ventured out, hoping to see Stints and other waders, but the only addition to what was already there was a Common Redshank, アカアシシギ

...and a group of about 10 Cattle Egrets, アマサギ

Nothing either at the beach near M. river
So I watched the flowers grow

Saturday 11 May 2024

Young birds and Flycatchers

Birds in the woods are early this year.

Japanese Paradise Flycatcher, サンコウチョウ

Young Barn Swallows, ツバメ have left the nest already

Oriental Greenfinches, カワラヒワ as well

Long-tailed Tits, エナガ too

Narcissus Flycatchers, キビタキ have established their territory

Some are shy, others not so

Snakes are hunting, looking for frogs and eggs
Tiger Keelback, ヤマカガシ

Chestnut Tiger, アサギマダラ

What is this guy up to? You need a bath!
Oriental Magpie, カササギ

Waders and shorebirds in the west

Not many species and nothing exciting, but this is what I saw in the first week of May around the fields and the rivers in the west

May 5th: Following a Whimbrel, チュウシャクシギ was 1 Great Knot, オバシギ

Far away, but we don't see so many here, so I wanted to report it

Singing out loud; Oriental Reed Warbler, オオヨシキリ

The parents of Bull-headed Shrikes, モズ were very busy looking after their chicks

Feeding the kids? Meadow Bunting, ホオジロ

A White Wagtail with the facial markings of an Amur WW. But somehow I'm not sure

One of about 10  Little Ringed Plover, コチドリ busy defending its ground

Peeking out of the grass was a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, ウズラシギ

Suddenly stepping out in front of me  Common Sandpiper, イソシギ

And that was it.