

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Monday 3 October 2022

Kanatake monthly meeting 9/21

It was a beautiful September day, with blue skies, white clouds and smiling faces. Not many specials, but the mood was high.

Neanotis hirsuta, ハシカグサ

Female Curetis acuta ウラギンシジミ 

Sympetrum risi risi, リスアカネ

Euscaphis japonica, ゴンズイの花

Rhynchospermum, シュウブンソウ

Circaea mollis, ミズタマソウ

Agrimonia japonica, キンミズヒキ

Lestes temporalis, オオアオイトトンボ

Yellow Crest Moth, キモンガ is becoming a regular sight in K

Boletus sp. イグチの仲間 (Eekhoorntjes brood or Penny Bun) Look at the size! I wanted to eat it. Edable Boletus mushrooms contain a lot of vitamin B

Sympetrum eroticum, マユタテアカネ male


Small branded swift, チャバネセセリ

Celtis sinensis, エノキ

Fejervarya kawamurai, ヌマガエル with rectal prolapse

Silver-washed fritillary, ミドリヒョウモン eaten by a spider

There was a living one in the same area later on

Caterpillar of Ramie Moth, フクラスズメの幼虫

Who knows what this is. Mr. A? Great, thank you. 
Mr. A says these pretty flowers are サクラタデ

It was a beautiful day

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