

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Thursday 8 June 2023

Mountain report part 1

Every spring I visit this mountain, where I can see eagles and summer birds. This time there were no eagles for me and very few other birds. Walking the trails I could hear the calls of flycatchers, thrushes, cuckoos etc, but very few came close. 

Early in the morning: White's Thrush, トラツグミ. It was still dark and difficult to see, let alone focus. I was surprised how it turned out. Can you see the bird?

Male Blue-and-white Flycatcher, オオルリ singing from the top of the trees

A female with a dragonfly for dinner. I thought she might be taking to her nest, but instead she ate it herself. 

After listening to their calls, one finally descended from the tall trees for 10 seconds, a whopping 25m away, Narcissus Flycatcher, キビタキ

Down in the valley some Jays, カケス were flying around the foliage. I could hear them and see them, but it was so hard to take a picture.

A female Japanese Thrush, クロツグミ catching insects in the sun. It was so far from where I stood, I had to see it on the computer screen to get a positive ID.

I had never seen a female's underwings being so red before. For a moment I was thinking of another thrush, maybe Brown-headed Thrush. Could it be breeding here?

Ruddy Kingfishers were calling from several directions. I wondered how the many photographers at the usual location were doing. I decided to avoid them, though walking in the woods by myself made me feel very lonely.

After all these distant sightings I got tired and cheered myself up with non-moving stuff for a while.

Sekkoku Lan, セッコクラン

Google sensei is very helpful. 

Mizutabirako, ミズタビラコ

Laceshrub, コゴメウツギ

Sabano-o, サバノオ


Kind of Skullcap, maybe Mountain Skullcap, タツナミソウ

Japanese Fox Grass, Futari Shizuka, フタリシズカ

Google sensei says this is Sawagurumi, サワグルミ

I'm trying to remember the flowers' names, so I won't have to ask again next year. Will I succeed?

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