It was the middle of the rainy season and the grass had not been cut for a while. There was a lot of wildlife hiding in there.
Everybody looked at this stunningly beautiful fresh butterfly without recognizing it.
Until it opened its wings
Indian Red Admiral, アカタテハ
Other bufs included Japanese dart, キマダラセセリ
Pale Grass Blue, ヤマトシジミ
Long-tailed Swallowtail, ナガサキアゲハ
Funny name for a buf without tails. But in Taiwan the same to have them
Rescued from drowning, Kuchiba Hawk Moth, クチバスズメ
Nokogiri Longhorn, ノコギリカミキリ
Waving at us, as if he's saying: I don't want to end up in the frypan!
Red Swamp Crawfish, アメリカザリガニ
As expected on a rainy day there were many snails, big and small. The snail man was busy!
Tsukushi Maimai, ツクシマイマイ(I hope I got that right)
Kobeso Maimai,コベソマイマイ
The tiniest Praying Mantis I could find. Just 2.5cm カマキリ
A first in Kanatake? Beni itotombo ベニイトトンボ
Some very big spiders in their web: Argiope spider, コガネグモ
Small, but fierce サツマノミダマシ Satsumanomi damashi
The last one standing: Kokulan, コクラン
After the regular walk several birds were heard calling.
2 days later I found 2 of these: Ruddy-breasted Crake, ヒクイナ
Just out of the nest: Bull-headed Shrike, モズ
Clasping Venus's Looking Glass, キキョウソウ
Yabumyoga, ヤブミョウガ
Cabbage White, モンシロチョウ