

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Monday 23 January 2023

Kanatake January 2023

 Despite the rain 11 people turned up at the meeting point. The forecast said it would stop raining halfway the morning, but that never happened. Ah well. My plan didn't work, So I walked twice.  First with notebook, bino's and umbrella. Next with the camera, plastic bags and towels. That 2nd round was supposed to be fast and dry, but was just as wet! 

Wintersweet or Japanese Allspice, ロウバイ,

It was the day of Turtle Doves. After counting 20+ birds perched in a tree I saw them feeding on the grass and they seemed to be everywhere.
Oriental Turtle Dove, キジバト

Sorry for disturbing your argument: Dusky Thrush, ツグミ  and Pale Thrush, シロハラ

The proud winner: Pale Thrush, シロハラ

In the stream were around 8 Black-faced Buntings, アオジ

1 Of several Bull-headed Shrikes, モズ

The rain stopped briefly and out came lady Daurian Redstart, ジョウビタキ

Frog spawn, カエルの卵

Last months dried frog was still there and Mr. M found another one
Impaled frog, はやにえのカエル 

Few flowers, but this one was my favorite: Fatsia japonica、ヤツデ

Another left-over from last month: Caterpillar of Small Copper, ベニシジミの幼虫

What's this ugly looking mass on a bamboo stump? Fungus???

It kept on raining and raining. Lots of chances to capture waterdrops, but I was getting wet and cold

Find the spider, クモ

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