

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Sunday 1 May 2022

Mt Kuju in the rain

Warning! Long post

Our initial plans changed when the hike with friends was cancelled due to bad weather. Since we were in the area already and Billie is a comfortable 2nd home we decided to stay in the mountains, and enjoy a quiet weekend away from the city. It rained on and off, the clouds were low, very un-ideal circumstances for birding. But hey, it's spring and we don't want to miss out!


First the birds

Japanese Thrush, クロツグミ There were 3 birds singing at the top of trees on my walk

Narcissus Flycatcher, キビタキ Also 3 that I could see, but more were heard

I didn't see any other flycatchers, though I heard them.

The resident Eurasian Jay, カケス. As cheeky as ever

Eurasian Nuthatch, ゴジュウカラ accumulating nesting materials

Ryukyu Ashy Minivet, リュウキュウサンショウクイ

Japanese Green Pheasant, キジ Only one male showed up.

Chestnut-eared Bunting, ホオアカ Not yet in the wetlands, the reeds are still too short, I think.

Bull-headed Shrike, モズ overlooking the misty fields

Japanese Grosbeak, イカル A flock of around 30 birds came down for a feed early morning. The rest of the day they just flew overhead many times

Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker, コゲラ

Coal Tit, コガラ These little birds, hard to capture once the canopy is fully clogged up will get their own post later

Next the flowers etc.

Of all the different wild violets in Kyushu I can only name one for sure: Viola orientalis, キスミレ

The other violets, スミレ are all blue, purple or white

First blooming Rhododendron (ツツジ)

Yellow Corydalis flower, キケマン (Corydalis heterocarpa var. japonica)
Widely distributed in Kyushu

This time of year, we can see the bright and cheerful faces of Japanese Primrose, サクラソウ
Me only briefly. 

When the rain started, they all let their heads hang down

Below some white flowers I really hadn't noticed before. 

I hope they will get a name sometime

The Harurindo gentian ハルリンドウ on a cloudy day

One opened up slightly 

The forest was full of young stuff. It was hard to keep looking up in search of birds

Net-winged beetle spec. カクムネベニボタル male

The first moth: A White Ermine. キハラゴマダラヒトリ

Tadewara wetlands, beautiful in the rain

Some gooey stuff that I don't really like to look at much. It was crawling!

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