

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Low mountains around Fukuoka

The summer break has ended, I have to stay in the city now and go to work. No more respite in the cool mountains of central Kyushu...  I visited some places around the city.

Every year a pleasure, Grey-streaked Flycatcher, エゾビタキ

Japanese Green Woodpecker, アオゲラ

Ryukyu Minivet, リュウキュウサンショウクイ

Red-rumped swallow, コシアカツバメ

Other wings included a Yamato Jewel beetle, タマムシ

Japanese Tiger beetle, ハンミョウ always around when it's hot.
Doesn't he look monstrous?

Shortly after my surprise at seeing a pheasant up in the tree, I saw a crab heading for the top.
The tree wasn't very high, though 😉

Newborn Japanese Grass Lizard, ニホンカナヘビ Still very small, only just fits on the leaf.

Japanese Tree frog, ニホンアマガエル
Quietly soothing

Sunday 8 September 2024

Shore birds again

The fields that held a lot of water a few days ago are drying up so fast, some have no water anymore, just mud. Other fields seem to contain the water and the level hardly changes, they are too full. It's difficult, specially for small waders. There are just a fewplaces for them to go. 

I set out, looking for the Red-necked Stints, トウネン - my favorite - they should still be around

Found them and took too many pictures...

At the far end a larger bird stepped out from the thick bunches of rice plants
Ruff, エリマキシギ a small bird, so probably a young female

It stayed in view for a short time

There was a time that I hardly looked at Wood Sandpipers, タカブシギ. Now I search for them.

Again at the far end, one Terek Sandpiper, ソリハシシギ appeared briefly

Same as a Snipe, most likely a Common Snipe, タシギ

One more, accross the road.

Friday 6 September 2024

The following day

The typhoon that brought the waders has moved on, and so have most birds. I had to look real hard to find these. But then, that is part of the fun!

2 big Ruffs, エリマキシギ  about the same size, so I guess they are both young males

One of the few Stints left in the original field.
Red-necked Stint, トウネン

Wood Sandpiper, タカブシギ A lucky encounter

Now this is a different story. 2 Far-Eastern Curlews, ホウロクシギ were very active, walking from field to field, preferably on the road (as they usually do). Hard to miss.

The hard part was the 2 shot!

Hey, long time no see! I thought I'd miss you this year.
female Greater Painted Snipe, タマシギ

Watching me, watching you. Oriental Turtle Dove, キジバト

Wednesday 4 September 2024

After the typhoon

 The typhoon nr 10 arrived on August 29th and it was the 31st that I went to Imazu to see migrating shorebirds etc. It was the first time in a few weeks and I had no idea where the potential fields were. At first, I could not find much, but in Taromaru it got better.

There was a Redshank on the concrete bank across the river. Too far to see clearly, but I guess it's a Common Redshank, アカアシシギ among 4 juvenile Terek Sandpipers, ソリハシシギ

2 Black-winged Stilts, セイタカシギ in one field

2 Yellow Wagtails, ツメナガセキレイ in another field. Also far away and by now the sun stood high and the light was too harsh...

Lots of Little Ringed Plovers, コチドリ were more or less everywhere. One looked different and had the birders confused for a while. Until Mr. C. found out what it was.
Long-billed Plover, イカルチドリ

Still at this old place, 4 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, ウズラシギ

And a few Red-necked Stints. トウネン. All juveniles I think.

At the last field 4 more BW Stilts, セイタカシギ

There was so much water in the rice paddies. The Stilts had no legs 😂