

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Sunday 30 May 2021

Kanatake update

A few days after the "Walk" I drove by the park after work and heard the cuckoo calling nearby. Getting out of the car it disappeared right away. A brief glimpse was all I got. I went in pursuit but instead found the flycatcher. His song echoed over the lawn. Interesting! He clearly mimicked a partridge! I wanted to see him, but he stayed hidden most of the time. However, perseverance wins! When I got ready to go home a real partridge stepped out of the bush.

Narcissus Flycatcher, キビタキ

Chinese Bamboo Partidge, コジュケイ

Japanese Great Tit, シジュウカラ

Other things of interest: Some kind of moth in the middle of the pond. I really wanted to see the inside of the wings, but it would not fly... :-(

Usuaka Otoshibumi, ウスアカオトシブミ

Oogomadaraedashaku, オオゴマダラエダシャク - 7 cm!

A few days before we saw 1, now I counted 8. Kishita Honba, キシタホソバ 

Common bluebottle、アオスジアゲハ

Kimadaraseseri, キマダラセセリ

Old world swallowtail、キアゲハ

Ramikamikiri, ラミカミキリ - None on the 19th, 10+ just 3 days later

Short-tailed blue, ツバメシジミ 

Some spider. I have no name for it. Anybody?

Yamasanae, ヤマサナエ?

Another question moth, ガ

Firefly, ホタル

Blue-eyed grass, ニワゼキショウ 

Nejiki, ネジキの花

Rain Lily, (Safuranmodoki) サフランモドキ

Clasping Venus's Looking Glass, キキョウソウ

Thursday 27 May 2021

Brown Hawk Owl, アオバズク

When I go birding I find interesting flowers and when I  go out for flowers, I run into birds. Today I checked a camphor tree for orchids... Hello There!

Flower hunting; looking for orchids

Up we went, my new buddy Franky the Spark and me, to a spot 400m above sea level. Armed with the map from Mr A I thought we could not go wrong. Well, nothing went wrong, but finding the flowers all by myself would not have been easy. At A's 1st mark they were gone. Not even a wilted one. At another spot one soggy brown and ugly non-flower. Some nice ladies helped me out, but still, it took some time! However... Success!

Tsuresagisou, ツレサギソウ (Platanthera japonica)

Hashinaga Yamasagisou, ハシナガヤマサギソウ (Platanthera mandarinorum)

Sokushinlan, ソクシンラン (Aletris spicata)

Japanese Pogonia, Tokisou, トキソウ (Pogonia japonica)

Funabarasou, フナバラソウ, (Vincetoxicum atratum)

Another Solomon's-Seal, maybe Amadokoro アマドコロ

Okautsubo, オカウツボ (Orobanche coerulescens f. nipponica)

Heal-all, ウツボグサ (Prunella vulgaris)

Shirobana Tampopo, シロバナタンポポ (Taraxacum albidum)
The white Dandelion

seed of Tatsunamisou Skullcaps, タツナミソウ属 (Scutellaria indica)
I didn't get to see the flowers, have to wait a year.

Yamatsutsuji, ヤマツツジ (Rhododendron kaempferi)

Thank you ladies, for the lunh and all your help. I had a wonderful time!

Some other small things:
White snail, 白カタツムリ. Tsukushi maimai albino? Shiromaimai, シロマイマイ?

10-spotted Ladybug, トホシテントウ (Epilachna admirabilis)

Diana Treebrown, クロヒカゲ

Chestnut-eared bunting, ホオアカ

Driving down we stopped by a lily pond
Water lily, スイレン