

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Tuesday 31 October 2023

Eurasian Wryneck, アリスイ

It's the season for them. I think there are/were 3 birds in the area; 2 of them were arguing loud one early morning. But they didn't show up much. Below the only decent photo so far. I wonder if more will follow...

Chased from its hiding it rested on the fence for a minute.

There were shrikes and Redstarts as well, vying for territory

The back feathers show really nice against the Goldenrod flowers

After a few seconds in a tree it disappeared.

Another one on top of a Conifer. Too far!

Monday 30 October 2023

Memories of the summer

 This post is about small stuff, mostly butterflies. When there aren't any birds, we have to look for other interesting things. And there are many!

The first butterfly of the year on March 19th
Short-tailed Blue ♀, ツバメシジミ, Cupido argiades

Orange Hairstreak, アカシジミ, Japonica lutea   May 9th

Japanese Flash, トラフシジミ, Rapala arata   May 16th

Common Jay, ミカドアゲハ, Graphium doson   May 20th

Satsumashijimi, サツマシジミ, Udara albocaerulea   May 26th

Forest Pierrot, ゴイシシジミ, Taraka hamada  June 23

Mizuiro Onaga Shijimi, ミズイロオナガシジ, Antigius attilia    June 25

Large Map, サカハチチョウ   April 22

Large Map, サカハチチョウ  July 2

Diana Treebrown, クロヒカゲ, Lethe diana   July 17

White Admiral, イチモンジチョウ, Limenitis camilla   July 17

Freyer's Purple Emperor, コムラサキ, Apatura metis  July 21

ヒメキマダラヒカゲ, Lethe callipteris   Aug 30

The Large Brown, オオヒカゲ, Ninguta schrenckii   Sep 2

Plains Cupid, クロマダラソテツシジミ, Chilades pandava   Sep 13

Pea Blue, ウラナミシジミ, Lampides boeticus   Sep 19

Mesuguro Fritillary, メスグロヒョウモン, Damora sagana pair   Sep 20

Lesser Emperor, ギンヤンマ, Anax parthenope  Sep 18

ナガメ, (Nagame) Eurydema rugosa, has no English name, but could be called Japanese Harlequin cabbage bug   July 2

Yamato Jewel Beetle, タマムシ, Chrysochroa fulgidissima   July 18

Horned Dung beetle, ツノコガネ, Liatongus phanaeoides   Aug 25

Albino Japanese Green Tree Frog? on Himejion Fleabane   June 29

シュレーゲルアオガエル, Schlegel's Green Tree Frog, Rhacophorus schlegelii   July 19

Noble Orchid, シュンラン, Cymbidium goeringii   April 16

Golden Orchid, キンラン, Cephalanthera falcata  April 19

Kokulan, コクラン, Liparis Nervosa   June 16

Veiled Lady Kinugasa Take Stinkhorn, Phallus indusiatus, キヌガサタケ   June 7

Usuki Kinugasa Take Stinkhorn, ウスキキヌガサタケ, Phallus luteus.