

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Kanatake walk, November 17th, 2021

The warm weather continued and we had a pleasant walk. I had not been here for a while and I found many changes since the summer. There were lots of butterflies. The autumn colors were seen in many ways. Warm and pretty. And full of promises for the winter

Sasanqua Camellia, サザンカ

Japanese Small Violet, コスミレ (Viola japonica)

Ardisia japonica (ヤブコウジ)

Aridooshi, アリドオシ
I don't know if this plant has a name in English. In Japanese it's interesting, meaning something like "ant stinging". It has thorns and maybe these prevent ants from visiting the berries or flowers.

Isodon, ヤマハッカ

Himominoga, ヒモミノガ. Long, thread-shaped insects are sticking to the bark of a tree. This tree had many and some were wiggling and swinging back and forth.

Caterpillar of ゴマフリドクガ, Gomafuridokuga, a kind of
tussock moth. 

Mayutate Akane, マユタテアカネ. One of several red dragonflies in Japan

Common Bluetail, アオモンイトトンボ
Ooao Itotombo, オオアオイトトンボ

Japanese Pampas grass, ススキ

Some dove's feather. Turtledove? Look well and you can see tiny dewdrops 

The soil was dry; there has not been much rainfall over the last weeks. Still a few mushrooms.

ヨムギの虫こぶ, Gall on Japanese Mugwort

ヌルデの虫こぶ, Nurude no Mushikobu. The tree is a Chinese Sumac and is also called Nutgall tree. The galls are a source of gallotannis and used in Chinese medicine.

Butterflies: Powdered Oakblue, ムラサキツバメ

Common Mapwing, イシガケチョウ

The Paperplant, ヤツデ with its pretty flowers attracts many insects

Japanese Oakblue, ムラサキシジミ

Pea blue, ウラナミシジミ

Dark Evening Brown, クロコノマチョウ

Indian Fritillary,  ツマグロヒョウモン ♂

Peacock Pansy, タテハモドキ

Asian comma (キタテハ)

Some more flowers and berries: Chickweed,  ハコベ

Yuzuriha, ユズリハ

Oriental kind of Knotweed, イヌタデ

 Ubayuri seed box, ウバユリの種 

Japanese Wagtail, セグロセキレイ and ハクセキレイ, White Wagtail in the background

Persimmon tree,  柿  カキノキ

Buckwheat, ソバ

カメムシ, Stink bug
Mr. S found this little bug wedged between 2 leaves, snug and safe.

3 hours later, still there - asleep?

A big capsule of eggs like those of Praying Mantas. Still soft to the touch, so maybe recently produced.

ヤブムラサキ, Beauty-berry

Thunberg's Chive, ヤマラッキョウ

Oriental Greenfinches, カワラヒワ

In the afternoon: 1 female Common Pheasant, キジ ♀. Where are the boys?

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