

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Thursday 29 August 2024

Higotai park

Over 20 years in Japan and I never visited this park. After numerous recommendations, I decided to give it a try. There were many people, but it was relatively quiet towards the back. In this hot summer, I didn't expect any other visitors. There was one thing: everybody was looking for the blue bees.

Higotai park, Ubuyama

Blue-banded Bee, ルリモンハナバチ  Thyreus decorus

They were frequently seen in the Two-edged Loose-trife (Miso-hagi), ミソハギ  Lythrum anceps

Other bugs in the Misohagi included the Burnt-spot Hummingbird Hawkmoth

Old World Swallowtail, キアゲハ...

...and Satouragin Hyoumon Fritillary, サトウラギンヒョウモン

Another Fritillary, probably High Brown Fritillary, ウラギンヒョウモン

A very bright orange colored Kitabakoga, キタバコガ

Golden-ringed Dragonfly, オニヤンマ

Maximowicz's Lily, コオニユリ

There seem to be very few Higotai flowers in the fields of Mt Kuju and Aso this year. I was relieved to find plenty here. Higotai ヒゴタイ Echinops setifer.

Small Copper,  ベニシジミ

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Another mountain, other sightings

It's been 5 years at least since I saw this butterfly. Always looked out for it. This year I got lucky...

the Constable, スミナガシ   Dichorragia nesimachus

Few birds to report, as expected
female Narcissus Flycatcher, キビタキビタキ

Japanese Green Woodpecker, アオゲラ

Grey-faced Buzzard, サシバ  Too high up

Long-leaved Koyabouki, ナガバノコウヤボウキ

Some other wings. Osugurotomoe Moth, オスグロトモエ

Momosuzume Hawk Moth, モモスズメ

Large-headed oak moth, ヒロヘリアオイラガ

Chinese Peacock butterfly, カラスアゲハ

Sunday 25 August 2024

Other mountain creatures in August

Butterflies, flowers, beetles, anything other than bird (they feature inprevious post)

 Forest Pierrot, ゴイシシジミ  Taraka hamada 

Goschkevitschi's Labyrinth, サトキマダラヒカゲ  Neope goschkevitschii

Same type of butterfly though it looks rather different
Goschkevitschi's Labyrinth, サトキマダラヒカゲ  Neope goschkevitschii

2 species of Diana Treebrown, クロヒカゲ  Lethe diana

Seaka Kamemushi stinkbug, セアカツノカメムシ Acanthosoma denticaudum

Tiger Keelback, ヤマカガシ  Rhabdophis tigrinus

Moving swiftly, hunting for frogs in a dried-up swamp: 
Japanese striped snake, シマヘビ  Elaphe quadrivirgata

Visiting the swamp, searching for some possible nutrients  
Pallas' Fritillary, ウラギンスジヒョウモン   Argyronome laodice

Nearby: Fields of Fox Razor, キツネノカミソリLycoris sanguinea 
All in full bloom

Not the big one Okitsunekamizori I think, but very pretty

Mamakona, ママコナ  Melampyrum roseum var. japonicum

Nogilan, ノギラン Metanarthecium luteoviride

Zoomushi Weevils, ゾオムシ

I didn't see the beautiful white flowers this year, but was happy to find their fruit.
Yamashakuyaku, ヤマシャクヤク  Paeonia japonica

We're having very little rain, but some mushrooms are flourishing

Not many people appreciate moths, but these 2 on a simple stone made my day
Hitotsume Kagiba, ヒトツメカギバ  Auzata superba

Towards the middle of the month: The Pincushion flower, マツムシソウ  Scabiosa japonica

Great St. Johnswort or giant St. John's Wort, コウライトモエソウ  Hypericum ascyron

Huge monkey seats in the dark part of the woods

Gomadara Kamikiri Longhorn beetle, ゴマダラカミキリ

The black brother: Sawtooth Longhorn Beetle, ノコギリカミキリ