

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Trip to Kagoshima 2 ~ Ducks and stuff

After gorging on the cranes we headed south towards Kagoshima, stopping at a pond where I had seen Mandarin Ducks at not too great a distance the year before. What I forgot was the time of the day and the position of the sun. The ducks, preferring the shade of the trees were all across the water, faaaar away.

オシドリ, Mandarin Duck

Later that day we arrived in Ibusuki and while Jaap registered for the Nanohana Marathon I checked out a small park and found this family of pipits.

ビンズイ, Olive-backed Pipit


On the way back to Fukuoka we stopped at Isahaya, where we searched, but didn't find the Black Storks. Following the flight of a Marsh Harrier I nearly missed these 2 bitterns...

サンカノゴイ, Great Bittern

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