

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Flower Safari at Iharayama

An overwhelming abundance of flowers was waiting for us at the trail along the river from Mizunashi. Inside the fresh spring-green foliage, speckled with white Anemones were hidden treasures of pink and purple and all sorts of shapes and appearances. I learned a lot from my 3 teachers.

コンロンソウ (Cardamine leucantha)

ツボスミレ (Viola verecunda)

タチツボスミレ  (Viola grypoceras)

イチリンソウ (Anemone nikoensis)

Flaccid anemone, ニリンソウ(Anemone flaccida)

ネコノメソウ(Chrysosplenium grayanum) 
Correction: ヤマネコノメソウ (Chrysosplenium japonicum)

シロバナネコノメソウ (Chrysosplenium album)

タニギキョウ (Peracarpa carnosa var. circaeoides)

ラショウモンカズラ (Meehania urticifolia)

The song of the Wren was heard from far. It appeared at a rock formation, where it was gathering nesting materials. A second bird was heard, but not seen.
Eurasian Wren, ミソサザイ

Japanese orixa, コクサギ (Orixa japonica)

ツクバネソウ(Paris tetraphylla)

ジロボウエンゴサク(Corydalis decumbens) and  ヤマエンゴサク(Corydalis lineariloba)

ミヤマハコベ(Stellaria sessiliflora)

コチャルメルソウ(Mitella pauciflora)


Just in time to see the last flower! ヤマルリソウ(Omphalodes japonica)

ヒトリシズカ (Chloranthus japonicus)

カンアオイ(Asarum nipponicum)  Known in English as Wild Ginger

サイハイラン(Cremastra appendiculata var. variabilis)

ゴヨウアケビ(Akebiax pentaphylla)

Japanese knotweed, イタドリ(Fallopia japonica)

The last bit of what should be a yellow flower... キバナノアマナ(Gagea lutea)

ヘビイチゴ(Potentilla hebiichigo) ? オオヘビイチゴ (Potentilla recta) ?
Correction: ヤブヘビイチゴ(Potentilla indica)

ミツバアケビ (Akebia trifoliata)

Japanese Aucuba, アオキ (Aucuba japonica)

Correction: ヒメレンゲ (Sedum subtile)

???   Seeds of コチャルメルソウ(Mitella pauciflora)

Thank you. Mr. A, T and M.

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