On September 20th a group of 10 people walked around to find things of interest. It was partly cloudy and sunny and rather hot. As expected. We talked and walked, peered and gazed and took many photos.
A favorite: Caterpillar of Dark Evening Brown, クロコノマチョウ 幼虫
Look at that rabbit face!
It was raptor migrating season and 21 Honey Buzzards, ハチクマ were circling above us, first thing in the morning
The Little Grebe, カイツブリ family, firmly staying out of sight
Varied Tits, ヤマガラ were eating the fruit of Japanese Snowbell, エゴノキ
Mesuguro Fritillary, メスグロヒョウモン
Hoverfly, アブ on Numadaikon, ヌマダイコン
Inchworm, larvae of Mugwort Geometer moth, ヨモギエダシャクガの幼虫
Larvae of Common Bluebottle, アオスジアゲハの幼虫
Short-tailed Blue, ツバメシジミ
Shirone, シロネ? オギノツメ
Clavulina fungus? カレエダタケ?シロソウメンタケ科
Nobudo wild grape vine, ノブドウ
That's Mint! I said. No, it's Nihon Hakko, they said. What does Google say?
Japanese Mint, ニホンハッカ
Rhynchospermum, シュウブンソウ
Lesser Emperor, ギンャンマ pair
Burnt-spot Hummingbird Hawkmoth, ホシホウジャク
Tsumajiro Edashaku, ツマジロエダシャク
Gomadarachou, ゴマダラチョウ
Japanese Tree Frog, ニホンアマガエル
Japanese Oakblue, ムラサキシジミ
Nekohagi, ネコハギ
Japanese Grass Lizard, カナヘビ
Yokozuna kissing bugs, ヨコツナサシガメ
I watched something crawling out of a white sponge-like mass. Maybe larvae of moths? They went airborne in a few minutes. Better keep a distance!
A fair number of young Barn Swallows, ツバメ are hanging around, mostly sitting on the wires. When will they leave?