

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Sunday 19 December 2021

Kanatake walk December 15th, 2021

It was a cold but beautiful day. 16 People gathered for this year's last meeting that ended with year end's tea party. This report starts with the weasel that kept us entertained for a while. Surprisingly many butterflies were still around, some more dead than alive though. They need warmth to move...

Japanese weasel, ニホンイタチ

Eastern Buzzard, ノスリ 2 birds

Nejiki, ネジキ

Oriental kind of Knotweed, イヌタデ ?

Thunberg's Chive, ヤマラッキョウ

Viola Yedoensis, ノジスミレ

Ushihakobe, ウシハコベ - Kind of Chickweed

Oranda Miminakusa, オランダミミナクサ  Kind of Mouse-ear Chickweed

Ardisia japonica, ヤブコウジ - Known as Marlberry

Yabumurasaki, ヤブムラサキ - Species of Beautyberry

柿  カキノキ, Persimmon tree

Tea plant, チャノキ fruit (Camellia sinensis)

Sanekazura, サネカズラ Kadsura Japonica 

Kaede Dokoro, カエデドコロ - A member of the yam family,

Japanese Mountain Yam, ヤマノイモ

Fruit of the stink vine Hekuso Kazura, ヘクソカズラ

This butterfly was posed quietly on a branch and didn't move. I wondered if it was alive or not.
 Common Mapwing, イシガケチョウ

Powdered Oakblue, ムラサキツバメ  Show us your purple wings, please!

Indian Red Admiral, アカタテハ

Japanese Oakblue, ムラサキシジミ

Indian Fritillary,  ツマグロヒョウモン

Small Copper, ベニシジミ

Kinokawaga, キノカワガ. There were 4 moths on the trunk of the Chinaberry tree (センダン)

 Japanese Winged Stick-insect, ニホントビナナフシ 

Leaf beetle, ハムシ

Ooao Itotombo, オオアオイトトンボ  (Lestes temporalis)

Egg capsule of a Mantas species. カマキリの卵

虫こぶ, Gall

Yokozuna kissing bugs ヨコツナサシガメ 

There are many shrikes in this area. We found some of their food stuck to a tree. モズのはやにえ
I wonder if they will eat it before it rots away

Grasshopper? バッタ?

Caterpillar? 毛虫?

Tadpole?  オタマジャクシ?

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