

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Barn Swallows babies

I was happy to see that the Barn Swallows had again chosen the ferry building, rather than the ferry itself as their nesting site. They've learned. It was quite endearing to see how the parents followed the boat on it's way to Noko Island and back some years ago. 

ツバメ,  Barn Swallow


Oops, a little unchi. The birds turn around properly so as not to foul the nest.

And sometimes nearly fall out.

More babies

It’s May. In Minami Koen fledglings can be seen everywhere. Most can fly pretty well, but depend on parents for food. 

シジュウカラ,  Great Tit

A young tit waiting for mum to provide a meal

Mum (or dad?) finds a rolled-up leave. 

Tears it apart and...

distracts a caterpillar!

Chick calling loudly,

devouring the not so small snack in a second or so

And waiting for more.

コゲラ,  Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker

The pygmy woodpeckers seem to be doing a better job, though it’s hard to see if they actually pick up anything edible.

ススメ,  Eurasian Tree Sparrow

The sparrow chicks could be seen sitting right next to some breadcrumbs, still waiting with wide open mouth for mum to put them in there.

Pretty baby

カワセミ,  Kingfisher

The Kingfisher was frequently diving aptly in the river, but didn’t catch anything but twigs and grass.

just some grass

or bamboo

Despite its dull coloring it was so cute, I  kept on shooting. There were 4 (!) siblings around, providing many photo opportunities.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Solar eclipse

On Monday the 20th it was too cloudy for us in Fukuoka to see the annular solar eclipse, but in Amami Jaap took this shot with a coolpix L6

Not bad, eh?

Spring in Kyushu 4

クロツラヘラサギ、Black-faced Spoonbill

ハマシギ、Dunlin  ウミネコ、Black-tailed Gull

A different Robin had come in and had been heard singing. At the end of the day it came out to stretch its wings  

シマゴマ, Rufous-tailed Robin

シマゴマ, Rufous-tailed Robin
The following day another one was spotted, down a slope full of brown leaves. Unless it perched on a branch it was barely visible. Like in the last picture

シマゴマ, Rufous-tailed Robin

シマゴマ, Rufous-tailed Robin   Where? It's there.
Jaap left with Mitsuda-san on Fukyo the cat to sail to Okinawa. Mrs Mitsuda (owner's wife) and I joined them on the first leg to Yobuko.  呼子

 呼子朝市  Yobuko morning market
 呼子朝市 Yobuko morning market 

ウニ sea urchin

 フジ Purple Rain in Karatsu

Spring in Kyushu 3

Winter birds on the way north, summer birds coming in from the south, others are just stop-overs. On the way out: some of our ducks like the Shovelers.

ハシビロガモ, Northern Shoveler

Whimbrel taking a rest 

チュウシャクサギ, Whimbrel
Swifts bring summer, and there were at least 8! 

アマツバメ, Fork-tailed Swift

Loudly announcing their presence, the Reed warblers have arrived
オオヨシキリ, Great Reed Warbler

Dressed for the summer (so much nicer than their winter suit) , the Grebe stays here to breed

カイツブリ, Little Grebe

Only here for a day or 3, the Yellow Wagtail. This one called taivana has yellow eyebrows 


キマユツメナガセキレイ, Yellow Wagtail M f taivana

タシギ, Common Snipe

A huge Rat snake had just eaten something not so small, judging by the size of his stomach. It stopped him from a retreat through the crack in the wall, which made him and bypassers a bit nervous. However, the snake, aodaisho in Japanese is not venomous.

アオダイショ, Japanese Rat Snake