

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Thursday 9 July 2020

Small stuff highlights of June

A collection of various things other than birds, at various places, mostly around Fukuoka and Saga.

Lucky shot on a very rainy day of Japanese Tree Frog, Japanese tree frog (ニホンアマガエル)

How can a creature with prickly hairy legs curl up to sleep comfortably?
ササグモ, Oxyopes sertatus

The small butterflies start early in spring and continue to brighten up our days through summer
Small Copper, ベニシジミ Lycaena phlaeas

Lady Chinese windmill,  ジャコウアゲハ, Byasa alcinous, moving through grass, probably looking for the right place to deposite her eggs.

When the Hydrangea is in bloom it's time to visit the tree frogs.
ニホンアマガエル, Japanese tree frog

With Chinese Spiranthes, (Nejibana) ネジバナ

ミスジビロードスズメの幼虫 Caterpillar of Hawkmoth Rhagastis trilineata

マルモンヒメアオシャク, Jodis praerupta

 Look at these shine silver drops! The cocoons seem to be decorated with jewelry.
ツマグロヒョウモン 繭 ? (Indian fritillary)

Yearly expedition to the swamp to see the Scarlet Dwarf , ハッチョウトンボ  A bit early this time, but they were there
The bright red male looks pretty, however I like the female best

A young hopper sitting on a Asian pogonia (トキソウ)  throne

There were so many flowers this time, Beautiful!

I wanted to kiss him, but he escaped... Dark-spotted frog or Black-spotted pond frog, Mountain Brown frog corrected:トノサマガエル  (Pelophylax nigromaculatus)

Can't find aname for this moth. Maybe one day

Long white hair, sweeping in the breeze.Where is it's head?
Caterpillar of moth, maybe オビガ, Apha aequalis, a Giant Lappet Moth

Night time visitor Mayfly, モンカゲロウ

Kakiran, カキラン (Epipactis thunbergii)

Tsuchi akebi, ツチアケビ,  (Cyrtosia septentrionalis)

Ki itotombo キイトトンボ  Ceriagrion melanurum

Benitombo  ベニトンボ Trithemis aurora  Crimson marsh glider

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