

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Saturday 27 July 2024

Small stuff July

Seen on my walks, mostly around west Fukuoka.

Nokogiri Kuwagata Stag Beetle, ノコギリクワガタ   Prosopocoilus inclinatus 

With Drone beetle, カナブン   Pseudotorynorrhina japonica

Asian bombardier beetle, ミイデラゴミムシ  Pheropsophus jessoensis

Carrion Beetle or Carpenter Beetle, クロシデムシ  Nicrophorus concolor

Kind of Click beetle

Black Drone Beetle, クロカナブン?

Mountain Oak Longhorn beetle, ミヤマカミキリ   Neocerambyx raddei

Another Longhorn beetle

Swallow-tailed moth, ウスキツバメエダシャク  Ourapteryx nivea

Hairy caterpillar sp that I have no name for - yet. I just love the light that's reflected in its long hair
with Yellow-spotted stink bug, キマダラカメムシ  Erthesina fullo

Ikarimon moth, イカリモンガ  Pterodecta felderi

Fejervarya frog, ヌマガエル  Fejervarya kawamurai

Beautifully colored hairy caterpillar... Moma sp

with a cute face

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