

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Monday 8 July 2024

A long story about small stuff in the rainy season

This post shows all sorts of small things I encounter on my walks. Some in the mountains, some around the city. There is always so much to see

Wildlife on the Hydrangea, アジサイ   Mantis, カマキリ vs Crab Spider, ハナグモ

Flowering Sacred Bamboo, ナンテンの花.

The ever-so-popular Sunflower field, ヒマワリ

At night the light of the vending machines attracts bugs, like Mayflies, カゲロウ and geckoes, ヤモリ. It gives you a chance to capture their shining wings and suction-pad feet

A lonesome orchid in a mountain meadow, It might be Sasaba Lan Bamboo orchid, ササバラン

More flowers in the same field

Yamato Scorpionfly, ヤマトシリアゲムシ

Along a mountain stream: Japanese Toad Lily, ホトトギス

Varies fungi 

Rainy days are great. Small raindrops hang on to the hairs of caterpillars, making them more delicate and colorful.

Although I was told I could safely touch this hairy caterpillar of some poisonous moth,ドクガ  I didn't risk it.

This one is huge and becomes a Maimai Moth マイマイガ (Gypsy Moth)

Butterflies, again

Hayashi Hairstreak, ハヤシミドリシジミ   Favonius ultramarinus

The Alphabetical Hairstreak,ウラミスジシジミ 

High Brown Fritillary, ウラギンヒョウモン   Fabriciana adippe

Hikagecho, ヒカゲチョウ   Lethe sicelis

The Black-banded Hairstreak, ミズイロオナガシジミ   Antigius attilia

The Alphabetical Hairstreak, ウラミスジュシジミ   Wagimo signata   (ダイセンシジミ)

White Admiral, イチモンジョチョウ

Small Japanese Dragonfly, コオニヤン on Hangesho, ハンゲショウ

Blue-spotted Emperor, クロスジギンヤンマ

Indian Owlet-moth, オスグロトモエ

Japanese Dart, キマダラセセリ   Potanthus flavus

Naruko Yuri, ナルコユリ? Solomon's-Seal, アマドコロ?

It looks like Hangaiso, but it's not... 

The Papillion butterflies love it!

Chinese Peacock butterfly, カラスアゲハ   Papilio dehaani

Japanese Luna moth, オオミズアオ   Actias aliena

 Aokanabun Scarab Beetle, アオカナブン   Rhomborhina unicolor

Small Copper, ベニシジミ on  Chinese Spiranthes, (Nejibana) ネジバナ

female Chinese Windmill, ジャコウアゲハ

Chinese Windmill, ジャコウアゲハ The caterpillar on the right

Chrysalis of a Gypsy Moth?

Dark Evening Brown, クロコノマチョウ   Melanitis phedima

Diana Treebrown, クロヒカゲ   Lethe diana

I really enjoy looking for butterflies. It gives me another reason to go out and wander around my favorite places. The rainy season has not ended yet, but the days have become extremely hot. Frankie, my small car, takes me to cooler areas whenever I can

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