

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Visit to Mt. Kuju area, mid July

The rain lasted a bit longer than expected and our walks in the Kuju area were quite wet. But when the rain stopped all sorts of bugs came out!

The Zitting Cisticola, セッカ doesn't care about the rain

A hunter among the wet leaves, a beautiful spider with yet a name...
Weaving a web at the end of the day, it must be a Onigumo spider, オニグモ  Araneus ventricosus
Koke Onigumo spider, コケオニグモ Araneus seminiger

Dragonflies with their prey: Asian Sanae, アジアサナエ

Golden-ringed Dragonfly, オニヤンマ Anotogaster sieboldii

During a brief dry spell, Chestnut-eared Bunting, ホオアカ on Ragwort

Hankaiso Ragwort, ハンカイソウ  Ligularia japonica in front
Fischer's ragwort in the back

Fischer's ragwort, オタカラコウ  Ligularia fischeri

Aotachi Kamomezuru, アオタチカモメヅル

Kusare-dama, クサレダマ

False goat's beard、チダケサシ

Hashinaga Yamasagisou (Egret orchid sp)  ハシナガヤマサギソウ 

Interesting fungi. One year I will learn their names

female Nokogiri Kamikiri, ノコギリカミキリ  Prionus insularis ssp. insularis

Hasami Tsunokamemushi, ハサミツノカメムシ  Acanthosoma labiduroides
female, without the scissors

Tsuchi akebi, ツチアケビ   Cyrtosia septentrionalis

Driving back to Fukuoka 

The rainy season is about to end. Then there will be very little to see for a while. I'm looking forward to the end of August

Butterflies at Mt. Kuju

Mid July is late for Hairstreaks and Gossamer butterflies, so the ones I saw were not in perfect condition. Yet, I was happy to see the inner wings (some for the first time).

Japanese Flash, トラフシジミ   Rapala arata

female Short-tailed Blue, ツバメシジミ   Cupido argiades


Goschkevitschi's Labyrinth, サトキマダラヒカ  Neope goschkevitschii

The Dryad, ジャノメチョウ  Minois dryas

Purple Hairstreak?
Female ミドリシジミ

Old World Swallowtail, キアゲハ   Papilio machaon

Sunday 28 July 2024

Mt. Sefuri on July 20th

It was surprisingly cool on the top. The butterfly I came to see was a no show, but other things, the yellow flowers and the great Stag beetle made up for that.

Miyama Stag beetle, ミヤマクワガタ   Lucanus maculifemoratus

A boy captured it, but let it go after a few minutes. We could have a good look.

A flower lady kindly took me to a valley where I would never have gone by myself. After the rain the going was tough, but I managed!

Onikonasubi, オニコナスビ  Lysimachia tashiroi Makino

Yellow sparks in a very dark forest. It was just the right time!

There are no things like rivers or swamps on the ridge of a mountain like Mt Sefuri. Yet these plants seemed healthy to me. 
Round-leaved Sundew, モウセンゴケ  Drosera rotundifolia

Small cicada with distinctive markings: Ezo Cicada, エゾゼミ  Lyristes japonicus

The only butterly worth mentioning: Satsumashijimi, サツマシジミ  Udara albocaerulea

Murasaki Shikibu, ムラサキシキブ

Akushiba, アクシバ  Vaccinium japonicum

Japanese five-lined Skink, ニホントカゲ

Thank you N-san for showing me around and Mr and Ms K for your support!