

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Temminck's Stint, オジロトウネン revenge

Nothing much had changed the next day, but my luck improved. The Stilts were al gathered at the fields behind the farm and my target bird came a wee bit closer.

Temminck's Stint, オジロトウネン

Black-winged Stilts, セイタカシギ

Common Snipe, タシギ Didn't see any the day before and this time just only this one briefly. They haven't returned yet I guess.

Terek Sandpiper, ソリハシシギ

Monday, 26 August 2019

Wading birds 1

Went to the fields after a long absence and found a surprising number of species. First at the usual location:

Black-winged Stilt, セイタカシギ 2 juveniles

Ruff, エリマキシギ  2 of 3 birds

Had to wait a while for one to come close

But then she gave me a big show of wings and feathers

Terek Sandpiper, ソリハシシギ

Wood Sandpiper, タカブシギ

Several birds, lots of fighting

Long-toed Stint, ヒバリシギ

Red-necked Stint, トウネン

Way way at the back: Temminck's Stint, オジロトウネン

And many young Little Ringed Plovers, コチドリ

Among the Barnswallows flying overhead were some Red-rumped Swallows, アカコシツバメ

Zitting Cisticola, セッカ

Wading birds 2

At another field nearby: Black-winged Stilt, セイタカシギ 7 adult birds

In the foreground a Greenshank, アオアシシギ taking a bath

Osprey, ミサゴ with his lunch. A very small lunch

Higanbana or Red Spider Lily, 彼岸花 

In Imazu these 3 came hurrying to see me. Have they been here all summer? They would get fed by the locals, but 2 of the birds seemed quite shy as in not really used to humans...
Mute Swan, コブハクチョウ

Saturday, 24 August 2019

Hachiman dake

Spent the night at our usual spot to escape the heat of the city. Not many birds yet, but many flowers and butterflies and my favorite frogs on their throne.

キセキレイ, Grey Wagtail

Japanese Lily, (Kanokoyuri) カノコユリ

Lycoris Kiushiana, (Ookitsunekamizori) オオキツネカミゾリ

Sweet Autumn Clematis, (Senninsou) センニンソウ

East Asian Pollia, (Yabumyouga) ヤブミョウガ

Kousa dogwood (yamaboushi) ヤマボウシ

Heartleaf Hornbeam, (Sawashiba) サワシバ

Blue Admiral, (Ruritateha) ルリタテハ

Japanese Labyrinth, ヤマキマダラヒカゲ

Hikagechou, ヒカゲチョウ

 Chinese Bushbrown, ヒメジャノメ or Lillacine Bushbrown, コジャノメ ? I can see a little blue , so I go for the latter.

Common Grass Yellow, (Kitakichou) キタキチョウ

Sunset from the top

HaguroTombo, ハグロトンボ

Esakimon Horned Stink Bug (Esakimon kitsu no kamemushi) エサキモンキツノカメムシ

Q Moth

Japanese Tree Frogs, アマガエル

Schlegel's Japanese Gecko, ニホンャモリ

Japanese Five-lined Skink, (Nihon Tokage) ニホントカゲ