

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Small stuff end of September

It's October already. Time flies! August seemed to last forever, but September flew by. I collected the images of butterflies and other small stuff. 

Japanese Siren Butterflyゴマダラチョウ   Hestina persimilis japonica

Many are flying around the treetops in the afternoon. Too high to see well. Occasionally one comes down.

Asian Swallowtail, ナミアゲハ   Papilio xuthus

Great Mormon Swallowtail, ナガサキアゲハ   Papilio memnon

again Asian Swallowtail, ナミアゲハ   Papilio xuthus

Spangle Swallowtail, クロアゲハ   Papilio protenor?  Papilio demetrius ssp. demetrius?

Asian Comma, キタテハ   Polygonia c-aureum

Peacock Pansy, タテハモドキ in autumn   Junonia almana

A worn one from earlier this year.

Rings are visible on the underwings

White Admiral, イチモンジチョウ   Limenitis camilla

Chinese Red-headed Centipede, トビズムカデ  Scolopendra mutilans

A popular tree trunk for the killer bees. As long as they can eat they won't be interested in me.
Asian Giant Hornet, オオスズメバチ   Vespa mandarinia

Lesser Emperor, ギンヤンマ   Anax parthenope

Risu Akane, リスアカネ   Sympetrum risi

Groen Eekhoorntjesbrood, ミドリニガイグチ   Tylopilus virens

Giant Stink Bug, オオヘリカメムシ   Molipteryx fuliginosa

脱皮, shedding (of skin)

Tankiri mame, タンキリマメタンキリマメ,  Rhynchosia volubilis

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