

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Thursday 8 December 2022

December's WBSJ meeting in Imazu

 It's been such a busy week; this post comes way too late. But better late than never, right?

When I arrived first thing in the morning, there were 5 Smews, ミコアイサ at the 2 ponds; 3 males and 2 females

1 female stayed by itself

I stopped by the Night Heron point and counted 7 birds: 2 adults and 5 juveniles.
It is never a pretty picture; they have to live among all that rubbish in the creek. かわいそ
Black-crowned Night Heron, ゴイサギ

At the mudflats about 8 or 10 Saunders's Gulls, ズグロカモメ were active.

Below a juvenile and an adult bird

When the Falcon flew over all the Lapwings took to their wings
Northern Lapwing, タゲリ

A large flock of Rooks, ミヤマガラス was foraging in one of the fields, something that had not occurred for many years apparently.

After the meeting I drove to the other side of the river, where I found 1 Chestnut-eared Bunting, ホオアカ

Among the White-cheeked Starlings ムクドリ on the wires some Common Starlings, ホシムクドリlooking very dull on this grey day

Only the White-cheeked came down for a drink

At this side of the river were the Dunlins, ハマシギ that didn't show during the meeting around some Mallards, マガモ

In this grey world I found just a little bit of color among the Eurasian Tree Sparrows, スズメ
I'm waiting for the day the Russets visit Fukuoka

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