

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Saturday 19 February 2022

Kanatake walk February 16th

It was not the coldest day of winter, because that was on the 17th, but it was very close. Despite the wintery weather 14 people gathered for the walk. There were very few birds, but flowers had started to come out. Mr. S's frog project seemed to bear fruits, ehh eggs this year. We found several clusters of hundreds of eggs of the Japanese Brown frog, not only in the designated field, but also in the small stream and even in the ditch.

Spawn of Japanese Brown frog, ニホンアカガエルの卵

Very young tadpoles, ニホンアカガエルのおたまじゃくし can be seen if you look well. 

Evacuation from the ditch to a nearby pond

How many lives are you saving, A-chan?

ホシハジロウ, Common Pochard in the snow

Field Woundwort, ヤブチョロギ is related to mint

A sure sign of spring: Field Horsetails.

Daurian Redstart male,  ジョウビタキ 

Some tiny mushroom, キノコ

Shepherd's Purse (ナズナ)

Hiding in a very dark corner, but I-san found it: Geometer moth, シャクガ

Foot prints of Raccoon (アライグマ)

Japanese Wagtail (セグロセキレイ)

Tall Buttercup, ウマノアシガタ

Ojishibari, オオジシバリ (Ixeris japonica)

Red Deadnettle, ヒメオドリコソウ
Henbit Deadnettle, ホトケノザ

Image of submerged frog spawn. I was surprised by the fine lines and shapes and how it turned out with a bit of sunlight.

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