

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Sunday 9 December 2018

Birding update Imazu 今津 December 9th

The cold has come! Still not used to it I felt reluctant to go out, but Sundays come only once a week. There are days that birding is so slow, you wonder where everyone is hanging out and you might as well go back home. But it's never been as bad as today. No thrushes, not even 1. VERY few shrikes and redstarts, no bulbuls to speak of, and also very few ducks. And it wasn't even sunny! I looked up at the sky and saw 1 falcon just briefly. Above the river however Ospreys were hunting in groups. I counted 10. High tide covered the mud. I didn't go there. I walked around out of habit. Suddenly something jumped. I saw brown tail with a white tip.... A Fox!!! Never thought there would be any in Imazu.

Red Fox, キツネ 

The western lake is drying out again. The only lively scene today.

Ospreys, ミサゴ

10 + birds hunting together

Our Mute Swan, コブハクチョウ wondering were all the people had gone on this cold and windy day.

Another animal: Japanese Weasel, イタチ taking his time, not expecting me

Among the regular ducks like Wigeons, Pochards, Mallards and Spot-billed ducks were 2 Tufted Ducks, キンクロハジロ...

... and 8 Gadwalls, オカヨシガモ  (male and eclipse?) 

(female and eclipse?)

Oriental Greenfinches, カワラヒワ replacing the leaves of the tree.
The only bird I saw plenty of, though the flock really was not that big

Coming from the Netherlands it always surprises me to see flowers in December

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