

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Friday 21 April 2017

Nokonoshima 能古島

While walking my regular route on the way to the school I heard a Narcissus Flycatcher singing from afar. It didn't take long to locate it, a bright yellow and black colored male with a hint of orange on the throat. A bunch of Bramblings chased it away and I moved on.

The next day was my day off and I returned lugging my big lens. When I heard the singing I took position at the same place, but the bird didn't show up. Eventually I saw it landing on top of a high tree. That looked kind of strange, very uncharacteristic for a flycatcher. But then I understood: After a few notes it took off and flew far far far to the north. I guess that's how they start their  long-distance flights to their breeding grounds.  Bon Voyage!!

It made me feel happy and sad at the same time. Sad that I missed out on my shot, happy to witness such an important event. I comforted myself with other birds

Varied Tit, ヤマガラ with a present for his girl, いる?

 Mister Blue Rock Thrush, イソヒヨドリlooking elegant and refusing to turn around.

 I found the first small copper butterfly, ベニシジミand Gentianas, フデリンドウ (Gentiana zollingeri)

And then there was that hiriri sound, the call of Ashy Minivet, サンショウクイ

  female left, male right

On the way back I stole a quick glance at the usual corner:  Barn Swallows, ツバメ going about their business, doing their job. OK.

I returned home with a big bag of oranges. Present from Mrs S. ありがとう!

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