

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Birds in September at Mt Kuju

Mid September we managed to take a break and drove to the mountains. Lots of things had changed in the last 2 weeks. Autumn had settled and there had been days with rain in the higher altitudes. The day we arrived, it rained as well - on and off, cool refreshing showers and some drizzle, while the city was hot and dry. We loved it! A welcome break from the long hot spells. Everything smelled nice and looked fresh.

To my surprise the regular birds that I frequently saw over the summer were mostly still there. Flycatchers adult and juvenile birds. From the thrushes I saw only juveniles. Hanging around the nesting site, hoping to meet a feeding parent. I sat down at my possy and watched.

Narcissus Flycatcher, キビタキ 

Is this a form of display? It looked like he was asking the female to feed him.
Which she actually did. She showed him a big caterpillar.


Watching the scene from the side: Blue-and-white Flycatcher, オオルリ

A little surprise Sankotake mushroom, サンコタケ  Pseudcolus schellenbergiae

There were many of these pretty flowers in bloom. Akebonosou, アケボノソウ   Swertia bimaculata

Japanese Thrush, クロツグミ  A young male 

Eurasian Jay, カケス

Grey-streaked Flycatcher、エゾビタキ

コウライトモエソウ, Great St. Johnswort or Giant St. John's Wort

Pincushion flower, マツムシソウ  

Tiny flowers, Nobuki, ノブキ

The white variant of Japanese Geranium or Japanese Cranesbill, ゲンノショウコ 白花

Akinokirinsou, アキノキリンソウ

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