

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

February birds

I visit Imazu and the surrounding fields at least once a week. I often feel that there is nothing to see, but that is not really true. There is always something and common birds are something as well. They might not be there in big numbers, but they are present. It has become quite a collection.

The Falcated Ducks, ヨシガモ can usually be seen in the river mouth or at low tide near the mud flats. Below 2 males

When the Dunlins, ハマシギ fly past in a big flock I watch them all turn at the same time. I often wonder who is the leader? How do they communicate?

A Common Kingfisher, カワセミ. A common sight if you know where to look 

Of all the gulls that spend the winter with us, the Mew Gull, カモメ is not the least common, but there are not so many around.

I love watching the Pipits in the fields and often find Red-throated Pipits, ムネアカタヒバリ, foraging in small groups

In the bay this Black-necked Grebe, ハジロカイツブリ came close briefly. No golden ear-tuffs yet. Next month maybe.

The Goldeneyes, ホオジロガモ stay in the river near the mouth as well, but boy are they shy! Always far away, it's hardly worth a photo...

... but one early morning I took them by surprise
Of.course they turned their back on me the moment I stopped to look

There were 6 birds. Below 2 males and 2 females.

The Shelducks, ツクシガモ don't mind me much. But they do like to show their bum when they are feeding.

At the 2 ponds some Northern Shovelers, ハシビロガモ have come in, while other ducks, like Wigeons and Pochards are leaving.

A couple of Gadwalls, オカヨシガモ are there now as well.

 Among the regular buntings in the reeds: Chestnut-eared Bunting, ホオアカ

Meadow Bunting, ホオジロ

The daikon contest

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