These Night Herons never fail to uplift my spirits. I have not been able to take any good photos, but the fact that they chose this place to stay the winter, while numbers of other birds have gone down so much makes me feel good. As if we don't need to worry about them. And then it has become a sport to locate as many as possible. I started of with just 3 or 4, but this week there were 11 birds. I'd better record this. The juveniles worry less about hiding into the reeds. Their plumage is their camouflage.
Fun facts
Another name for Black-crowned Night Heron is Quark Bird because of the sound it makes as it flies.
They sometimes lure food to them using bait or vibrating their bill in the water.
When disturbed young birds can regurgitate partially eaten food onto the intruder.
They sometimes eat chicks of other waterfowl. Their digestive acids are so strong, the bones dissolve in their stomachs.
Update: 12 birds on Feb. 17