

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Small stuff

Things I find when I walk the trails. I love birds, but butterflies come second. After that anything that moves or grows can take my fancy

Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell, ヒオドシチョウ

White Admiral, イチモンジョチョウ

Lillacine Bushbrown, コジャノメ 

Goschkevitschi's Labyrinth, サトキマダラヒカゲ 

Diana Treebrown, クロヒカゲ

Blue Admiral, ルリタテハ

False Helleborine, バイケイソウ just started to bloom

Black spider covered in orange pinheads. Are they spider babies? 
Somebody says mites...

 Not a butterfly, but a moth
Swallow-tailed Moth, Usuki-tsubame-edashaku, ウスキツバメエダシャク 

Tannasawafutagi, タンナサワフタギ

Okukuruma Mugura, オククルマムグラ?

Kinoko mushi, キノコムシ spec

Looks like one of those stinging caterpillars of Dokuga, ドクガ
Better not touch it.

I found this orange-colored something in a bamboo grove on a broad, not bamboo leave. The color was brightly in contrast with all that green. What could this be? Some kind of fungus, like a Rust Fungus, サビキン I guess

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