

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Mt Kuju area, part 1

The weekend was planned. We had kept 3 days free of appointments and had no commitments except for some PC jobs that could be done via the internet. Contrary to the previous week the weather was good. The forecasted rain didn't materialize and the temps stayed at a comfortable 20something. However, Jaap put his back out and could not hike his favorite trail...

First sunset 

I was surprised to see an Orange Hairstreak, アカシジミ almost right away on the first morning. 

On my regular rounds, I met the regular Kibi again
Narcissus Flycatcher, キビタキ

Pretty white flowers stuck their heads out in the wetlands. Shiraitosou, シライトソ。

This Chestnut-eared Bunting, ホオアカ perched on a pole did not fly up when I passed him on the boardwalk

A Blue Admiral, ルリタテハ came to rest at a near-perfectly colored background of grey stones that brought out the blue on the wings

A Japanese Thrush, クロツグミ baby had just left the nest. It looked bewildered at me and had not learned yet that it was supposed to be scared of humans😆

I went back to the butterfly field in the afternoon I saw 20, 30 or more Orange Hairstreaks, アカシジミ circling the top of the trees. Sometimes one came down briefly

The flowering Chestnut trees were the most popular. Looking through my bino's I found a Purple Emperor there as well. Is it the Great Purple Emperor? No, the black form of Freyer's Purple Emperor, クロコムラサキ

Walking down the length of the field I was startled by a オオジシギ, Latham's Snipe that had been hiding in tall grasses. It called and flew up, then disappeared behind the trees.

A Cuckoo came to the bare tree but didn't call, Its eyes were yellow, so would that make him a Commoner? カッコウ

It was an interesting start of the weekend!

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