

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Friday 28 June 2024

Kanatake walk, June 19th

A sunny day in the middle of tsuyu (rainy season) How lucky we were! It was the day of beetles and beetles...

Oseibo Cuckoo wasp sp, オオセイボウ

Small Japanese Oniyanma Dragonfly, コオニヤン on Hangesho, ハンゲショウ

Udo longhorn beetle, センノカミキリ

Caterpillar of Common Bluebottle, アオスジアゲハ


Ardisia japonica, ヤブコウジ

Heal-all, ウツボグサ

Sawtooth Longhorn Beetle, ノコギリカミキリ

Mushroom colony

Yellow-spotted Longicorn beetle, キボシカミキリ

Kitsuneno taimatsu mushroom, キツネノタイマツ Fox Torch mushroom?

Mr A grabbed a Keelback by the tail and others called me to come and see. 
Tiger Keelback, (Yamakagashi) ヤマカガシ

Of course, I had to have a go at it as well 😆

Slender Burnished Brass, ネッタイキクキンウワバ

Powdered Oakblue, ムラサキツバメ

Indian Fritillary, ツマグロヒョウモン

Short-tailed Blue, ツバメシジミ

Painted Lady, ヒメアカタテハ

Hairy caterpillar of a Maimaiga, or マイマイガ (Gypsy Moth)

Yamato Jewel beetle、Yamato Tamamushi, ヤマトタマムシ

コクラン, Tall Twayblade

Monday 24 June 2024

Mt Kuju area, part 3

On the 3rd day we decided to give the soar muscles a stretch and started a small hike, but extended it halfway and ended up walking for 6 hours.

View of Billie at the parking lot of Choojabaru 😁

Right at my feet:  female Ezoharuzemi, エゾハルゼミ 


Nebari Nogiran, ネバリノギラン?

A guess: Bluntleaf Sandwort, オオヤマフスマ

Shiraitoso, シライトソウ Chionographis japonica

I wanted to see this tree and had been looking for it for about 3 years. Finally:
Siebold's Magnolia, オオヤマレンゲ  Magnolia sieboldii

The tree next to it had tiny little flowers. I don't know the name
Is it カナウツギ, Kana Utsugi?

Same flowers, just from a different angle. Look at the shadows!

Wildlife on the toilet...
Silver-washed Fritillary, ミドリヒョウモン

Mt Kuju area, part 2

 After failing to get decent shots during the previous visit, I put a bit more effort into it. Finding the bird was no problem. One announced its presence from the tallest of trees first thing in the morning. When and where would it come down?

Blue-and-White Flycatcher, オオルリ

Bingo! Only had to walk a few hundred meters.

Mission completed. Time for a break

Another stroll at the end of the afternoon, hoping to see the Snipe again, and the Purple Emperor.
But both failed to appear. The Orange Hairstreaks, アカシジミ were still there, even more than the day before

Things that caught my eye was a High Brown Fritillary, ウラギンヒョウモン. Not very special, but there were so few of them around that I felt the need to capture one

Kanoko moth, カノコガ  (Amata fortunei)

Pleasing Fungus beetles spec. オオキノコムシのなかま

Tsubame Edashaku Swallowtail Moth, ツバメエダシャク   (ウスキ? シロ? )

Ikarimonga moths, イカリモンガ  Pterodecta felderi