

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Monday 20 August 2018

Aso - Kuju National Park, July part 2

After watching the sunrise from Makinoto I climbed up at a slow pace to Kutsukake. Jaap had started earlier and would climb the tops (s!) while I wanted to take the time for flowers and lessen the risk of getting soar joints.

Moth are still active at dawn and some are just as pretty as butterflies

Four-spotted Footman, ヨツボシホンバ

Hosta Sieboldii, コバギボウシ

Chestnut Tiger, アサギマダラ are Migrating butterflies who love these mountains in summer

ホソバシュロソウ, Veratrum maackii

The キアゲハ,  Old world Swallowtail is a very common butterfly in Kyushu, in the mountains as well as in lowlands

Halfway the morning I moved down to Choojabaru, where I'd catch up with Jaap. The red-listed ヒゴタイ, Echinops setifer had come up in tall stalks and was just turning purpleish

ハンカイソウ, Ligularia japonica (called Chinese Dragons in the flower shops)
I had never taken any nice photos of these yellow flower, they didn't appeal to me much. Bees LOVE them and now I am quite happy with these.

And then there are a whole lot of pretty no-namers

A few purple blots in the green field appeared to be アヤメ, Iris of some kind

サワギキョウ, Lobelia sessilifolia

ヒメユリ, Lilium concolor on the right, 
オカトラノオ, Lysimachia clethroides on the left

キリギリス, Grasshoppers Japan has so many species, identification is nearly impossible


ヒメキマダラセセリ, Japanese Dart, Ochlodes ochraceus

And finally one more feeble attempt at my target of these 2 days: A bunting perched on a flower:

ホオアカ, Chestnut-eared Bunting
Probably the best represented and most popular bird on this blog :-)

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