

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Sunday 26 May 2024

Mt Hiko

I spend a wonderful couple of days on the mountain in lovely weather and all by myself; going my way and doing my thing. The list of birds that I saw is long. The one that I heard even longer, but I didn't take any decent photos. I don't know why. The birds were all too fast for me. Driving in Frankie didn't help of course. Somehow it didn't bother me that much. Seeing the Ruddy Kingfisher, male Copper Pheasant, Northern Hawk-cuckoo, Oriental Cuckoo, Japanese Trushes and the Goldcrests. Hearing the Indian Cuckoo, 2 Grey Nightjars, Oriental Scops owl and Sunda Scops Owl I was perfectly happy.

An Eurasian Nuthatch, ゴジュウカラ was feeding right in front of me, but the images turned out greenish and full of noise. Not at all like my usual stuff.

Eurasian Jays, カケス seemed all dull and colorless

My only shots of Japanese Thrushes, クロツグミ though I saw many more

Even the numerous Wrens, ミソサザイ refused to cooperate

There goes the Oriental Cuckoo, ツツドリ after I heard it calling right in front of me.

No Flycatchers to show, though there were many around

Luckily there were butterflies to keep me happy at midday
Kumogata Fritillary, クモガタヒョウモン

Lillacine Bushbrown, コジャノメ. A first

Large Map, サカハチチョウ

Mizutabirako, ミズタビラコ

Tanigikkyo, タニギッキョウ

Some more small wings.  Esakimon Kitsune Kamemushi shieldbug, エサキモンキツノカメムシ 

Oosenchi Kogane Dung Beetle, オオセンチコガネ

Gomafuri Doguga, ゴマフリドクガ

Himeki Hosoba, ヒメキホソバ

Sesuji Namishaku, セスジナミシャク

Kimadara Tsubame Edashaku, キマダラツバメエダシャク

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