

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Kanatake walk, December 16th

It was cold and we watched the first snow of the season. It didn't last, but the forecast is promising more! I'm not sure if I'm happy about that. With the amount of snow as in the north we cannot go where we want to. And with the new surge of Corona cases we might not go that far anyway... 

The first snow bird: Bull-headed Shrike, モズ

Directly followed by Dusky Thrush, ツグミ

At the first pond: Common Pochards, ホシハジロ

It cleared up!   Female Daurian Redstart, ジョウビタキ

A little warmer even
Some purple and white colored leaves that had the flower team all puzzled
Kind of セブリナ

Kadsura japonica (サネカズラ)

Some caterpillar, ケムシ; maybe the last of the year. Though with a fur coat like that you can go anywhere

One of several Oriental Greenfinches, カワラヒワ

Same tree, nearly same spot: キノカワガ、Blenina senex

2 Japanese Grosbeaks イカル made an appearance, but from this distance it was hard to see. 
(The one on the right, the other 3 are Bulbuls)

120 school kids visited the same day, but this Grey Heron, アオサギ is not concerned.

Find the Peregrine Falcon, ハヤブサ It's really there

The smallest snail, カタツムリ of the day

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