

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Time for insects

Japanese Owl Moth, イボタガ  Brahmaea japonica

Short Imazu update

I didn't go here for 3 weeks and now that I had the chance the conditions were not very good. High tide on a bright sunny morning - What could I expect?

Cattle Egret, アマサギ have arrived. They will move on to their nesting sites I suppose

50+ Whimbrels, チュウシャクシギ waiting for the water to subsede

Welcome summer bird, Great Reed Warbler, オオヨシキリ

Still around, the half American Wigeon, アメリカヒドリ

Not going anywhere too far I hope, our resident Greenshanks, アオアシシギ finding the right matching color to their legs in the spring algae

At the end of the day:

Bye bye Sakura; a little bit of nothing special.

Sakura is over. A few shots to say farewell

Japanese Great Tit, シジュウカラ

Brown-eared Bulbul, ヒヨドリ

 Black-faced Bunting, アオジ

Meadow Bunting, ホオジロ

I didn't do well with the Stone chats. Very far: Siberian Stonechat, ノビタキ

Very near: Black Kite, トビ

Competition in the field

Baikal White Wagtail, シベリアハクセキレイ

A lifer! Of all the wagtails I had not expected to see this one so clearly. He just landed in front of me when I was looking for thrushes in a park.

White-shouldered Starling, カラムクドリ

Just before the rain started I found this guy in a flock of White-cheeked Starlings. Lucky, he might be gone the next day!

At the pond

Many - more- MOST!

Japanese White-eye, メジロ

Asian Stubtail, ヤブサメ

Japanese Bush Warbler, ウグイス

All 3 birds seem to be males to me, but it's hard to tell!

female Red-flanked Bluetail, ルリビタキ

Red-eared Slider turtle