Was it the cold that brought it out? My first Rail of the winter
Brown-cheeked Rail, クイナ. There was a Crake as well. It hurried into the reeds
Unlike their Black-faced relatives, the Eurasian Spoonbills, ヘラサギ like to take walks in the field.
But these 3 brought 1 Black-faced along
Young and adventurous - Black-faced Spoonbill, クロツラヘラサギ
In the middle of town, just somebody's garden, a Raccoon dog. タヌキ warms up in the sun. It has little hair on its sides. Skin disease? Poor thing, the wind is so cold!
Apparently this animal is called Hondo Raccoon Dog, ホンドタヌキ
Mr Kestrel at work. チョウゲンボウ
The Harlequin Ducks moved out further...
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