

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Temminck’s Stint, オジロトウネン

I thought i'd missed these little birds this year, but I got luck a couple of days ago.

There were 3 birds and 2 of them started walking my way.

They slowly picked their way along the edge of the field, while the 3rd bird stayed behind with the other Stints

 nr 3

This one below didn't seem to be bothered by me at all. I was sitting in the grass just 2 meters away.
Normally I don't approach birds this close. This time I had no choice but to stay put quietly until they decided to move on... I nearly missed my appointment.

These Temminck's Stints seem smaller than their Red-necked cousins and also more delicate. They make long journeys when they migrate to their breeding grounds. How did they survive in the bad weather of the last typhoons?

Found a little something to eat. いいね!

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