A popular bird among bird photographers here in Japan, but increasingly difficult to see around Fukuoka. I'd waited a long time for a chance, spent many mornings searching places where they'd ever been seen. A good friend jumped in and showed me a nesting site near one of the bigger rivers in the south. The first time I got there the chicks had left the nest and were going their own way already, so chances of seeing the whole family together were small. However, we found 2 siblings playing around a quiet part of the river. At one stage a 3rd bird dived in out of a tree from where it had been watching; probably a parent.
A bit of orange on the chest and malar stripe, but also under the wings. Is this a male or female?
2 birds practicing their fishing skills, but mostly caught leaves and twigs.

My first decent images of a Crested Kingfisher in flight!
3 Crested Kingfishers!
Other birds around included Dippers, Wagtails and a Common Kingfisher.
Here is a juvenile Brown Dipper, カワカラス 幼鳥
I stopped by the next day around noon and didn't really expect anything, but one bird briefly perched on a rock before it disappeared in the greenery
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