

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

A Foreign visitor, Yellow-bellied Tit

It was whispered on the phone: Don't blurt it out to the world. We have to  keep it among ourselves
Who told you then? I can't say, It's a secret. それは秘密です!!
So I went there and found to my surprise "everybody" there. All birders of Fukuoka had come to see it:
A tiny Tit, with colors similar to other common birds flying from tree-top to tree-top in a big park.
Who detected this? Was my question. It's a secret. Nobody told me. (But I think I know)
With the help of 40 pairs of eyes it was eventually located and we all shot our pictures.
Now that it's posted on the blogs more people will come. From all over Japan.
Better not go anywhere near the park on Sunday.

キバラガラ, Yellow-bellied Tit

The bird didn't mind all this attention one bit. It would sit patiently on a branch in front of us and did everyone a big favor by coming down to take a bath. Definitely not a Japanese bird.

Resident at the park: 

カワセミ, Common Kingfisher
Other birds watching the commotion around the lake

キクイタダキ, Goldcrest

今日の勉強 秘密, himitsu  =  secret  それは秘密です!!

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