

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Monday 6 June 2022

Mountain Hawk- Eagle, クマタカ

June 1st, I set of to the mountain all the way to this place where I had seen the eagle before. A roller coaster ride to some point where a Japanese Sparrowhawk might be nesting produced a lot of excitement. A Ruddy Kingfisher came very close but stayed hidden. However, the mountain Eagle came close! Flying behind our backs, I didn't notice...

Perched on a tree, not too far. For my 300 mm lens it was. Despite the 2.0 tc

with 1.4 tc

with 2.0 tc - less sharp

8 sightings in 1 day, pretty good!

Other wildlife on the mountain: Chestnut Tiger, アサギマダラ on Bridal Wreath, ウツギ

Leaf beetle? ハムシ? 

Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell, ヒオドシチョウ

White Admiral, イチモンジチョウ

Fujikobuya Hazukamikiri Longhorn beetle? フジコブヤハズカミキリ?

Misuji butterfly, ミスジチョウ

Red Assassin Bug, アカサシガメ

Eastern Crowned Warbler, センダイムシクイ

Grey-faced Buzzards, サシバ

I was happy to share these sightings with friends. They took marvelous photos!!! It was an excellent day and the best was yet to come...

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