

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Saturday 12 June 2021

今津探鳥会, WBSJ June meeting in Imazu... and some more

Not many birds. Winter visitors have long left. Migrators moved on. Summer birds stay mostly in the mountains, where it's cool. I wish I could do that.

We walked most of the general course. Only a few members attended because of the Corona regulations. 

1 of 3 Young White Wagtails, ハクセキレイ

Zitting cisticola セッカ waiting for her/his mate

Common Magpie, カササギ taking a bath 

Great Reed Warbler, オオヨシキリ singing its great song 

Some small stuff:
Purpletop Vervain, ヤナギハナガサ with a pair of Eastern Pale Clouded Yellow,  キモンキチョウ

Nobudou, ノブドウ

Cutleaf Evening Primrose, コマツヨイグサ

Yellow Spotted Longhorn Beetle, キボシカミキリ

Aodougane? アオドウガネ?

Yamato Oosagani, ヤマトオサガニ

Let's dance!

ハマボウ、 Hibiscus Hamabo

Komatsunagi, コマツナギ

2 Gossamer buterflies on 1 plant, I thought it might be a pair. But looking well it seems they could be 2 different butterflies, left Short-tailed Blue, ツバメシジミ. Right might actually be Holly Blue, ルリシジミ

The ditches were full with little fish

Egeria densa (オオカナダモ)

Pairing damselflies: Aomon Tombo, アオモンイトトンボ

Afterwards I hung around a little longer and found a young crow that could not fly yet. The very vocal parents were giving instructions from above, but the wings would not flap
Carrion crow (ハシボソガラス)

Great Reed Warbler again, オオヨシキリ

Common Moorhen, バン

In the big trees at a shrine nearby: ニホンヤモリ, Japanese Gecko

The place was crawling with hairy caterpillars. All very big and fluffy. Several stones had coccoons on the edges. I want to see the moth next!
クスサン, Caligula japonica, the Japanese giant silkworm

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