

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Nokonoshima 能古島

Finally a nice day. I left early to walk around before work. I didn’t really expect much and was happy when I found 7 Red-breasted Mergansers, ウミアイサ along the shore and a Black-necked Grebe, ハジロカイツブリin the distance. To my surprise a thrush that crossed my path was a Brown-headed Thrush, アカハラ. A few meters further 2 Scaly Thrushes, トラツグミ were chasing each other. On the way back home I heard a Bullfinch, ウソ and saw just 1, but there appeared to be more. Then there were the usual Daurian Redstarts, ジョウビタキ about 7 or 8, male and female. 3 Bull-headed Shrikes and many buntings like Meadow Bunting, ホオジロ, Yellow-throated Bunting, ミヤマホオジロ and Black-faced Bunting, アオジ. 
The Black Kites, トビ were giving a show. They can fly like acrobats to impress their mate. Some were carrying nesting materials A Japanese Bush Warbler, ウグイス produced some kind of noise. Was it trying to sing?

 Red-breasted Mergansers, ウミアイサ

Black-necked Grebe, ハジロカイツブリ

Brown-headed Thrush, アカハラ

Scaly Thrush, トラツグミ

Black Kites, トビ

 Black-faced Bunting, アオジ

 Bullfinch, ウソ

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