

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Friday 30 September 2011

Day trip to Mt Gokase

Day trip to Mt Gokase in Miyazaki ken.

After 3-4 hrs driving, climbing to 1600m we got out of the car and found the landscape immersed in a grey pea soup-type matter. Shivering we waited, but soon the mist cleared and a snow-less ski slope stretched out in front of us.
The temperature rose a bit as the sun came through for a short while and we were quite comfortable with our woolies and jackets.
We split up along the slope, waiting for the calls of Nutcrackers.
There were few birds in the distant trees, some flycatchers, mainly Grey-streaked, Eurasian Jay and Eurasian Nuthatches. Occasionally a woodpecker could be heard.
The morning turned into afternoon and we gathered halfway to eat our bento’s. After that came a long period of silence, but at 4:00 pm, we were more or less about to head back, 3 of the birds we all wanted to see finally appeared, all the way down the slope.

ホシガラス,  Nutcracker



Quickly gathering food, (nuts?) they literally stuffed their throats (see the bulge?) and moved on to higher trees. Every now and then one looked up at us, as we carefully got closer and closer, probably thinking we were a herd of weird looking deer.

Other birds in the distance:

アオゲラ,  Japanese Green Woodpecker

エゾビタキ,  Grey-streaked Flycatcher

コジュウカラ,  Eurasian Nuthatch

scenery: view towards what I think was the southeast.

Last days of September

September, my first month of autumn migrators in Fukuoka has ended. Hope to see some more in the next month. If not, next year.

アメリカウズラシギ,  Pectoral Sandpiper

エリマキシギ,  Ruff



ツルシギ タシギ,  Spotted Redshank

The ricefields, gold colored and top-heavy are rimmed with higambana. Mostly red, sometimes white or yellow. Many wet paddies are dried up, the mud cracked. Time for the waders to move on.

ヒガンバナ higambana,  Amaryllis Lycoris

今日の勉強  is on hold, awaiting my NEW JAPANESE LAPTOP!

Thursday 29 September 2011

Recent visitors to Imazu and Itoshima area 3

Many of the same birds, but these images seemed better.

アカエリヒレアシシギ ,  Red-necked Phalarope


 トウネン,  Red-necked Stint


   羽, wings

And, at another location:  シマゴマ,  Rufous-tailed Robin    (is it?)


今日の勉強は  = はね

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Recent visitors to Imazu and Itoshima area 2

More Red-necked September visitors

トウネン,  Red-necked Stint


アカエリヒレアシシギ ,  Red-necked Phalaropes


セイタカシギ,  Black-winged Stilts

A lonesome plover tapping the soil to dislodge insects that feed on the algae.

    bathing Phalarope

Watching this makes me want to return home and take a bath.
お風呂 に入りたい
今日の勉強は  お風呂= おふろ

Monday 19 September 2011

Recent visitors to Imazu and Itoshima area 1

アメリカウズラシギ,  Pectoral Sandpiper

ツルシギ,  Spotted Redshank

キリアイ,  Broadbilled Sandpiper


トウネン, Red-necked Stint   
Some more birds, seen amongst the migrants and around our harbor.

ダイサギ,  Great Egret; quarrelling

タシギ,  Common Snipe; waiting

アオサギ,  Grey Heron; suffering
カワハギを 食べているアオサギ. いたいそう!