

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

November left-overs



チュウヒ , Eastern Marsh Harrier

ハイイロチュウヒ = Hen Harrier

In Fukuoka:
カモが 着きました


マリノア by night

Half Japanese half English, presently from NZ

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

December tanjokai

Each first Sunday of the month is Imazu tanjokai day. Members of the Japanese Wild Bird Society get together in the field to exchange information and supply answers to us who know less and always have questions. During the 3hr walk we saw buntings like oojurin and hoaka (Common Reed and Chestnut-eared Bunting) in the reeds

オオジュリン、Common Reed Bunting
On an electrical wire sat the first Dusky Thrush of the season. Hooray!

ツグミ、Dusky Thrush

In the river a big flock of spoonbills was feeding on the in-coming tide.

クロツラヘラサギ、Black-faced Spoonbill,  ヘラサギ、Eurasian Spoonbill

Some Eurasian Spoonbills are living with their Black-faced cousins.
Note the yellow spot on the bill of the bird with the white face.


Amongst many ducks, gulls and cormorants were 3 Red-breasted Mergansers and a male Goosander.

カワアイさ、Goosander or Common Merganser. But not so common in Japan.
Kasasagi, Common Magpies are always around and always worth a picture.


カササギ、Common Magpie

Mr. and Mrs. Tundra Swan had taken a bath at the butagoya and just got up to move to an adjacent field.

コハクチョウ、Tundra Swan
PS: Yes, there are 2 of them now. 2 Big white blobs in the field. About a week after the first one the second arrived. Where had it come from? How do they find each other? Questions questions.

Lady Kestrel sat at her favorite spot and surprised us with a nose dive to grab a bite for lunch.
It was a good day.

チョウゲンボウ、Common Kestrel
今日の勉強 :  tanjokai. What is that in kanji? I will have to ask somebody.

December birds

What’s happening? Where are the winter birds?
We hardly see any bulbuls and no white-eyes.
A visit to the Magaribuchi dam didn’t produce much. Just some bush warblers.

ウグイス、Japanese Bush Warbler