

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Red-rumped Swallows, コシアカツバメ

I was driving towards Itoshima when I saw this flock of Swallows. There must have been 50 or 60 birds, feeding in the tall grass. All Red-rumped Swallows, コシアカツバメ. The distance was quite big - there were 2 field widths between us - but I managed a few shots.

The fields and the river

The weather is so nice now. Walking around the West has never been so pleasant. We surely deserve this after that unbearable summer. But the migrating birds and the wintering ducks that are slowly coming in tell me it won't last... 

Juvenile Black-winged Stilt, セイタカシギ 

New ducks! October 11th: Northern Pintail, オナガガモ

Tufted Duck, キンクロハジロ

Common Pochard, ホシハジロ (in the back)

One of the regular Ospreys, ミサゴ

Siberian Sand Plovers, メダイチドリ

The Stonechats, ノビタキ show up a bit more now, but birds in flight is still a challenge!

Also youngsters I think, a family gathering of Oriental Magpies, カササギ

Thursday 10 October 2024

Stonechats and some more seasonable birds

Tuesday, October 8th. The rain was supposed to clear in the afternoon, but that didn't happen. However, we set out in search of Stonechats. When we finally found them, they were far away and hardly came close. That is usually the case when birds have just arrived.

Black-browed Reed Warbler, コヨシキリ

Stonechat, ノビタキ  First of the season

In another field we found a Zitting Cisticola, セッカ with an insect. Is it still nesting?

On the way back, one young Whiskered Tern, クロハラアジサシ

A few days later, when the weather was clear and sunny the Stonechats, ノビタキ were still shy, but the urge to perch on a pole is strong

A little closer

In one of the 2 ponds a Northern Shoveler, ハシビロガモ was all by itself

The lonesome Tern, クロハラアジサシ was there as well, looking much nicer against the blue sky.

One Black-browed Reed Warbler, コヨシキリ flew by and briefly showed itself.

And later just one Black-winged Stilt, セイタカシギ could be seen in one of the rice paddies.

Many single birds today. I feel sorry for them

The last 2 photos are from October 6th. A Great Knot, オバシギ and a Red Knot, コオバシギ on the concrete wall at high tide. 
Left the Red Knot, コオバシギ       Right the Great Knot, オバシギ

Left the Great Knot, オバシギ       Right the Red Knot, コオバシギ

Saturday 5 October 2024

Eurasian Wryneck, アリスイ and some more

On a sunny day, the features of the Wryneck, アリスイ stand out clearly. I love that intricate pattern of feathers and the small eyes that match so well. 

After the female, I saw a male Kestrel, チョウゲンボウ today. Not at the same location, but close. Would they meet?

Snipes, タシギ are still there. A group of 8 was watching me watching them.

Somewhere on the line, I saw these little butterflies. The settings on my camera were off and the photos turned out dark. Not too bad for an unlucky shot.
Short-tailed Blue, ツバメシジミ   Everes argiades

Friday 4 October 2024

October in Imazu

 It rained again and the northerly winds picked up. Good conditions for spotting migrating birds. Some irregular visitors could be around. Despite the bad weather birders go out to the fields. Meaning, the ones that don't have to go to work... When I left the job and made it out there there was a lot of movement, but little left for me to be seen. Should I become a full-time birder? No, I won't go that far...

First Kestrel of the season, a female. チョウゲンボウ

Flying around, but mostly hiding in the ricefield, a mixed flock of Eurasian Teals, コガモ (2 on the right) and Garganeys, シマアジ (1 bird on the left)
It is clear how the beaks are different. The Teal has an elegant bill, the Garganey somewhat massive.
I hope I got this right

Pretty Garganey, are you a young male?

Intermediate Egret, チュウサギ it's time to stock up on food. 

Hundreds? of Snipes. It seemed so. They were litterally everywhere. They all seemed to be Common Snipes, タシギ to me. Did anyone see the odd one out? A Jack Snipe, コシギ???

The following day the scene had changed drastically. The sunshine made the river glow. I was happy to see the Black-faced Spoonbills, クロツラヘラサギ in the river again.

A single Stint in a small creek. Red-necked Stint, トウネン

Still on the move, Grey-tailed Tattler, キアシシギ

The Kestrel was around as well, but didn't come close.

That's it for now.