The following day I arrived early and though it took a while to locate them, I found the place where the Japanese Grosbeaks, イカル came down to the ground. Thanx to the other birders.
Thank you everyone for your support!
This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.
The following day I arrived early and though it took a while to locate them, I found the place where the Japanese Grosbeaks, イカル came down to the ground. Thanx to the other birders.
Thank you everyone for your support!
Walking around my usual checkpoints, I felt very few birds were around. I kept on meeting the same ones over and over. Then I decided on a different field. This city park I hardly ever visit and I was surprised.
I came to see the Japanese Grosbeaks, イカル, but that first afternoon I could not take a photo.
The day after I found Grey Bunting, クロジ
Was it the cold that brought it out? My first Rail of the winter
Brown-cheeked Rail, クイナ. There was a Crake as well. It hurried into the reeds
I love watching the Snipes. When the wind is too cold to stay outside I park my car in front of this field, bring out my hot tea bottle, and watch. Common Snipes, タシギ
The first birds of the year in the Imazu area.
American Wigeon, アメリカヒドリ Seems to be a yearly visitor now
The weather was too good to go home. We did another D-tour, this time via Saga. A family of 4 Swans was floating in the middle of the lake - sleeping. We drove around and returned later to find the Geese there.