

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Thursday 10 September 2020

Imazu update Sept 9th

 After a long time cruising the fields again for a few hours in between jobs. The weather was rainy at times with short periods of sun. It was the middle of the day and I didn't expect that much, not being able to hang around and wait. But I got lucky:

At the first field I checked: A young Far Eastern Curlew, ホウロクシギ

No stints other then this one: オジロトウネン, Temminck's Stint. ヒバリシギ, Long-toed Stint. The bird to the left seems to be a コアオアシシギ, Marsh Sandpiper in between summer and winter dress

コアオアシシギ、Marsh Sandpiper

Every now and then some タカブシギ, Wood Sandpiper showed up. I could hear some more behind the rows of rice plants

Swinhoe's Snipe ? In this location I would expect a Common Snipe, but the bill and the line between eye and bill tell me different. However, it is a Common Snipe, タシギ apparently.

In another field  ツバメチドリ, Oriental Pratincole

Female タマシギ、Greater Painted-snipe

Male セイタカシギ, Black-winged Stilt and behind it an over sea's cousin:
オーストラリアセイタカシギ, White-headed Stilt

Here in front

Again, オーストラリアセイタカシギ, White-headed Stilt

At the mudflats the tide was coming in. As other years in September a lot of Grey Herons, アオサギ were gathered. At the tiny bit of mostly submerged island 3 Curlews, ホウロクシギ, Far Eastern Curlew. However the one in the center seems lighter. It could be ダイシャクシギ, Eurasian Curlew

An Osprey, ミサゴ drying its wings

Last the 2 Hooded Cranes, ナベヅル at their usual spot. Are they going to be our residents now?

 I admire the couple for staying together. The one with the handicap likes to stretch its wings often. When some egrets came too close it jumped up and flew a bit.

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