Since I arrived a bit late at the scene I can only show part of what was recorded. I added a few images of the same place taken the previous day. The first image was most remarkable
Asian Trampsnail, コハクオナジマイマ
Upon arrival 2 flocks of starlings landed in the trees at the entrance. They seemed to be 2 different kinds: White-cheeked Starling, ムクドリ ...
... and Chestnut-cheeked Starling, コムクドリ
ヤマキマダラヒカゲ? サトキマダラヒカゲ Japanese Labyrinth or Goschkevitschi's Labyrinth
Chinese Bushbrown, ヒメジャノメ (Mycalesis gotama)
Indian Fritillary, ツマグロヒョウモン male
Dark Evening Brown, クロコノマチョウ, Melanitis phedima
ゴマダラチョウ, Hestina Persimilis Japonica
In the Japanese Snowbell tree, エゴノキ Varied Tits, ヤマガラ came to get their favorite seeds
シロテンハナムグリ、Protaetia orientalis or シラホシハナムグリ、Protaetia brevitarsis
ツチグリ, kind of Earth Star Mushroom
Red Spider Lily or Cluster Amaryllis, ヒガンバナ Lycoris radiata
False Daisy, タカサブロウ ?
Devil's Beggarticks, アメリカセンダングサ Bidens frondosa
Euhadra herklotsi、ツクシマイマイ
Some pretty baby snail, about 7mm
Common Bluetail, アオモンイトトンボ
シオカラトンボ, Orthetrum albistylum
Japanese Grasshopper, ハネナガイナゴ, Oxya japonica
シャクガ科 Geometer moth spec
フタテンオエダシャク Chiasmia defixaria
This season's Watchman